
Until Dawn will be released on PlayStation 5 and PC on October 4th.

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Supermassive Games, renowned for its creation of Until Dawn, is ready to revive the game’s prominence. Originally launched in 2015, it achieved significant success on the PlayStation 4, inspiring further game developments by Supermassive Games, including The Quarry and The Dark Pictures Anthology. Until Dawn is now prepared to reclaim the spotlight with an official release date slated for its launch on PlayStation 5 and PC.

The storyline of Until Dawn remains intact, but the game has undergone a profound overhaul to deliver an enhanced cinematic experience. By reimagining the game in Unreal Engine 5, players are set to embark on a more immersive journey through the chilling narrative.

Utilizing Unreal Engine 5, the developers have revamped character designs and settings, upgraded visual effects and animations, and elevated the overall visual allure of Until Dawn for both new and returning players. The developers dedicated substantial effort to refining the character models, aligning them with contemporary advancements in character modeling and rendering, as stated by Neil McEwan, the Creative Director of Ballistic Moon. Ballistic Moon, a British game development studio, collaborated on this extensive project to unveil the game in the Fall of 2024.

To heighten the realism of Until Dawn, an injury mask system was incorporated, adding a gritty touch to the in-game characters. This system introduces details such as cuts, bruises, tears, and even snowflakes on characters, enhancing the authenticity of the game.

Overall, the game promises a more polished experience with a revamped camera mechanic intended to facilitate game navigation. Players can anticipate fixed shots and over-the-shoulder camera perspectives replacing the previous camera system, offering fresh angles to explore the world of Until Dawn.

In addition to narrative refinements, accessibility settings have been reworked to make the game more inclusive and enjoyable for all horror enthusiasts. A new feature, “Stay Calm,” has been introduced as an alternative to the “Don’t Move” mechanic, catering to players without gyroscopic-enabled peripherals or those seeking a different gameplay challenge.

Pre-orders for Until Dawn will commence on August 21. It is worth noting that players desiring to experience the game on a PC must possess a PlayStation Network account. Until Dawn will be accessible on both PC and PlayStation 5 starting October 4.


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