
NotebookLM, it’s time to tune in to a discussion regarding your references.

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NotebookLM was developed to assist you in comprehending intricate information. By uploading your references, it transforms into an authority, grounding its responses in your material through citations and pertinent quotes. And since it’s your notebook, your personal information is never utilized to educate NotebookLM.

Recently, NotebookLM expanded on a global scale during the summer using Gemini 1.5’s multimodal functions to fuel new characteristics. This includes Google Slides and web URL support, enhanced fact-checking methods, and the capability to promptly produce study guides, briefing documents, and more.

A recent addition is the Audio Overview feature, presenting a fresh approach to converting your documents into captivating audio dialogues. Through a simple click, two AI hosts initiate a dynamic “deep dive” conversation based on your references. They summarize your content, draw connections between topics, and engage in a lively exchange. You even have the option to download the conversation and listen on-the-go.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that these dialogues are not a thorough or impartial analysis of a subject, but rather a representation of the sources you’ve uploaded.

To give it a try, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Access an existing notebook
  2. Navigate to your Notebook guide
  3. Click on the “Generate” button to form an Audio Overview


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