
How Red Hat is incorporating post-quantum encryption into our products

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Quantum computing poses a significant threat to systems relying on cryptography for security. Red Hat is actively working to integrate post-quantum cryptographic functions into their products to address this challenge.

Preparing for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Organizations are advised to assess their critical data and encryption mechanisms to prioritize efforts for crypto-agility. Understanding where encryption is applied can help focus on safeguarding the most sensitive assets.

Red Hat’s Strategy for Encryption

Red Hat customers will see the adoption of PQ-capable Transport Layer Security (TLS) and updates in SSH and IPsec protocols as post-quantum algorithms are implemented. TLS certificates will undergo significant standards changes for quantum-resilient signatures.

Concerning encryption of data at rest, customers must ensure keys are protected adequately until quantum-safe methods are established. Data in transit and certificates will require extensive standardization and implementation efforts due to the complex nature of transitioning to post-quantum algorithms.

For signing purposes, initiatives like the Sigstore project are exploring alternatives to ensure software signatures are robust against quantum threats. Efforts are ongoing to update protocols like CMS and S/MIME for document and email signing.

Red Hat Product Roadmap

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), serving as the foundation for Red Hat products, will gradually incorporate post-quantum capabilities. RHEL 10 is expected to offer NIST-approved post-quantum functions, with future releases further enhancing quantum readiness.

Red Hat OpenShift and OpenStack Services will align with RHEL’s post-quantum advancements, ensuring a seamless transition to quantum-resilient cryptography. Other products like Ansible Automation Platform and Middleware will also integrate post-quantum features as they become available.

Ensuring Crypto-Agility

Red Hat emphasizes the importance of crypto-agility in adapting to evolving encryption standards. Through a proactive approach to algorithm selection and hybrid implementations, Red Hat aims to mitigate risks associated with cryptanalysis and algorithm vulnerabilities.

Red Hat’s commitment to collaboration with open-source projects and swift response to cryptographic vulnerabilities underscores their dedication to maintaining robust security measures.

For Further Details

If you require more information on Red Hat’s post-quantum security initiatives, please contact your Red Hat account manager. Red Hat is dedicated to assisting customers in achieving and sustaining post-quantum security.

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