
A French startup has unveiled a groundbreaking sensor that can operate indefinitely without requiring energy – SilMach’s affordable microsensors offer endless possibilities for various applications.

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As part of the France 2030 strategic €34 billion investment by the French government aiming to kickstart economic growth in the country, the SIRCAPASS project (Surveillance of Road Infrastructures by Passive Sensors) has selected French firm SilMach to provide ultra-cheap microsensors. The project aims to ensure the structural health of bridges across the country by utilizing these innovative microsensors.

The €1.7 million project is specifically targeted at monitoring road infrastructures through passive sensors, focusing on tasks like impact detection, fatigue monitoring, exceptional overload, and crack identification – functions that were previously handled manually. This initiative is a significant step towards enhancing the safety and maintenance of critical infrastructures like bridges in France.

Operate effectively in harsh environments

SilMach’s microsensors are built around hybrid MEMS micromechanical sensor technology, enabling them to record critical structural events without requiring a power source. This capability allows the sensors to identify potential hazards that could affect the structural integrity of bridges, ultimately ensuring public safety.

Co-CEO Pierre-François Louvigné expressed, “France 2030 signifies a crucial milestone in SilMach’s advancement. We are thrilled to lead this public-private consortium alongside key stakeholders capable of offering a technological solution to enhance the safety of the French population and economy.”

Additionally, Co-CEO Jean-Baptiste Carnet emphasized, “The human and economic consequences of a bridge collapse are well known. Our innovations are poised to present a new solution to a significant societal challenge, reinforcing the resilience of critical infrastructure.”

SilMach asserts that their energy-free microsensors are capable of operating effectively even in challenging environments such as underwater and in space. Equipped with a communication module integrated with an information system, the sensors can transmit crucial data and maintain a mechanical memory, facilitating direct access to raw data in a usable format.

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