
Advancing DevOps utilizing Red Hat technologies

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Utilizing Red Hat Innovations for Advancing DevOps

Although the concept of DevOps is not novel, its methodologies constantly undergo enhancements as emerging trends enable organizations to streamline their application development procedures. In parallel with these evolving practices, DevOps solutions are advancing to not only assist organizations in boosting efficiency and effectiveness but also to equip them with cutting-edge tooling as they pivot towards AI-driven applications to better cater to their requirements.

Red Hat has taken on the challenge of DevOps by providing solutions that ensure consistency throughout the software development lifecycle, with containers and Red Hat OpenShift serving as the backbone. While containers were originally designed for speed, OpenShift has progressed in tandem with Kubernetes and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation to incorporate fully supported tools for better container technology management and the establishment of a comprehensive ecosystem of tools. This integration guarantees that containers are seamlessly integrated and supportive of both infrastructure and developer needs. With add-ons like Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and Red Hat Developer Hub, organizations can benefit from a holistic DevOps solution that offers a streamlined process for expeditiously taking applications from inception through development to production. Red Hat’s approach of amalgamating and supporting the developer experience and the infrastructure platform concurrently is immensely advantageous in accelerating development velocity and reducing risks throughout the software development lifecycle.

Maximizing Development Efficiency through an Open Platform + Automation

Red Hat OpenShift is comprised of more than 50 open-source projects that establish a solid foundation for success in the outer loop of development. The inclusion of Red Hat Developer Hub, based on the open-source Backstage project, amalgamates streamlined onboarding, heightened developer productivity, and enhanced collaboration to empower developers to concentrate on the inner loop of development. Platform engineering teams can furnish software templates and pre-architected, supported approaches to optimize developer skills, enabling them to focus on crafting exceptional code and reducing obstacles and frustrations.

Incorporating Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform into the equation enables users to scale application infrastructure by automating key stages of continuous integration, delivery, and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines with appropriate infrastructure support. Processes can be effortlessly duplicated and shared across disparate teams and environments, thereby further streamlining and expediting development and management via Ansible playbooks.

Enhanced Flexibility through Integrations

As with all our solutions, flexibility and choice lie at the heart of our DevOps offering. Red Hat OpenShift seamlessly integrates with popular Git repositories and facilitates CI/CD through OpenShift Pipelines (leveraging Tekton) and OpenShift GitOps (via Argo CD). Developers are empowered to utilize their preferred tools rather than being constrained to default options. With the Red Hat OpenShift Operator Hub, users have the freedom to select the supported tools that align best with their preferences and business requisites.

Once developers push their code to a centralized Git repository, Kubernetes comes into play with its extensive array of tools. This evolving ecosystem is crucial to meeting the evolving demands of applications. In light of the growing influence of generative AI (GenAI) applications on technology choices, developers and ops teams necessitate AI solutions that align with the platforms and processes already in place. Red Hat OpenShift acts as a conduit, enabling advanced intelligent applications and their associated tooling to harmoniously coexist with critical traditional applications and infrastructure.

Witnessing Red Hat’s DevOps Strategy in Practice

Red Hat’s DevOps solution not only expedites development but also delivers a fully integrated platform replete with developer productivity tools, security and compliance features, and automation capabilities for the entire development pipeline and supporting infrastructure.

To witness our solution in action, we offer a demo showcasing how developers can update Red Hat’s Cool Stuff Store:

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