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Japan’s Capital, Tokyo | 2024 – High-Quality Audio CD Transport Grandioso P1X SE: Esoteric’s Premier High-Quality Audio CD Transport, with Separate Power Supply Unit.


Esoteric has been a pioneer in cutting-edge technology as a top-notch audio brand from Nippon, consistently pushing the boundaries of superior sound reproduction. The Esoteric label is famous for its exceptional acoustic engineering that has maintained its reputation and eminence, its significant investment regardless of cost, its “gallery quality” craftsmanship, and its stunning designs deserving of music reproduction. The pinnacle model in each product category, known as “Grandioso,” has reached the epitome of quality set by the brand.

In the realm of classical music, a term denoting how a musical piece should be played is referred to as a conception motto. For instance, “cantabile” (like singing) or “legato” (smoothly), among others. A flagship model should possess the dignity and grandeur of a top-tier product. We christened it “grandioso” (grand, majestic, dignified), drawing a parallel to the motto of classical music. Grandioso has introduced a plethora of highly inventive innovations to the upscale audio world, including the legendary VRDS-ATLAS Super Audio CD transport mechanism, the Master Sound Discrete DAC, and the Master Sound Discrete Clock, comprising unique discrete circuits.

Lastly, three SE variants are currently on offer featuring new discrete clock technology and refined analog circuitry in the DAC. We take pride in our brand and constantly endeavor to deliver the finest sound quality. The SE model we are unveiling at present embodies every conceivable technological culmination from the time the original model was released to the present. Bask in the heightened presence, dynamism, and exquisitely organic and melodious textures of the trio of new SE models.

The Original VRDS Atlas

An Unprecedented Transport Mechanism That Invites You to the Furthest Reaches of Sound.

VRDS (Vibration-Free Rigid Disc-Clamping System) marks Esoteric‘s exclusive CD/Super Audio CD transport technology, meticulously crafted to clamp the disc onto a same-diameter turntable to eradicate the disc’s rotational vibration, as well as any extraneous vibration emanating from the mechanism itself. It also rectifies any disc warping significantly enhancing the precision of both the optical pickup and the disc pit layer’s corresponding optical axis while minimizing servo current. This culminates in substantially reduced disc read errors for exceptional audio fidelity.


It has been sixteen years since the debut of the VRDS-NEO Super Audio CD transport mechanism in 2003. Enhancing the NEO transport posed a formidable challenge, considering it had long been commended for offering the utmost audio reproduction performance in the industry. Yet, the design underwent a complete overhaul, resulting in an entirely new platform boasting unparalleled levels of structural finesse and audio fidelity.

The Utmost Rigidity and Heaviest Construction in VRDS History

ATLAS boasts the utmost rigidity and weight in VRDS history. With its extensive new SS400 steel side panels and bridge, the ATLAS is 27% heavier (6.6kg mechanism unit, 13.5kg inclusive of base) than the NEO, achieving both exceptional rigidity and impressive tonality. It dampens any vibrations that might compromise audio quality. The turntable is machined from solid duralumin for superb audio quality, featuring a newly designed thrust bearing system on its spindle. This frictionless one-point spindle support system ensures seamless, silent turntable rotation.

Spacious & Low Center-of-Gravity Design

One of the keys to attaining the quietest mechanism in VRDS annals is mechanical grounding technology that effectively dampens vibration. By embracing a wide and low profile for the mechanism’s architecture, the entire construction now boasts a low center of gravity. The drive system of the turntable has been refined, with its motor relocated below the turntable from its previous position atop the bridge, thus shortening the path for grounding vibration substantially reducing mechanical noise.

Sophisticated Tray Mechanism Operation

The tray’s structure has been fashioned to minimize resonance by curbing hollowing, offering remarkably smooth opening and closing operations with minimal play. Moreover, the use of special vibration-damping elastomer resin further diminishes tray resonance during music playback.

ES-Link5 Digital Transmission

Esoteric‘s proprietary ES-Link digital interface utilizes HDMI cables for signal transmission. With the introduction of the P1X SE / D1X SE, ES-Link has evolved to Ver. 5, supporting an even broader array of premium sound formats (Max. 22.5MHz DSD and 768kHz/48-bit PCM). The multi-conductor structure of HDMI enables full-balanced transmission of audio data and LR clock and bit clock signals. This departs from conventional digital transmission as signal modulation is unnecessary on the sender’s side and demodulation processing is omitted on the receiver’s side, significantly reducing digital processing loads on the DAC side facilitating ideal digital transmission.


MarleyEsoteric Grandioso P1X SE

Dual-Chassis Structure with Independent Power Supply

The P1X SE‘s power supply, as a fundamental source of vibration, has invariably been conceptualized and crafted as a separate yet integral unit to achieve the most subdued disc read attributes and superior audio quality.

Four Autonomous Toroidal Power Supply Transformers

The power unit incorporates a total of four independent toroidal transformers, extending each circuit with a clean and potent electricity supply.

Low-Feedback DC Regulators

Both the P1X SE and D1X SE highlight low-feedback discrete DC regulators. The reduced feedback level aids in attaining a vibrant, energetic sound brimming with a sense of airiness.

EDLC Super Capacitors

Both the P1X SE and D1X SE encompass EDLC* super capacitors across their power supply circuitry. The P1X employs a total of 38 EDLCs (with a combined capacity of 1,400,00μF or 1.4F), while the D1X features a total of 50 EDLCs (for a combined capacity of 1,300,000μF/1.3F) for the duo. Through this amplification of power supply capacity, noteworthy enhancements in low-range resolution and audio quality have been achieved.
* EDLC(Electric Double-Layer Capacitor): Developed as next-generation power devices for the electric vehicle sector, these capacitors are gaining increased attention as avant-garde technology due to their remarkably high capacitance.

Master Sound Discrete Clock for Digital Player

The clock circuitry is arguably the primary key to high-quality audio in digital music reproduction. For its flagship master clock generator Grandioso G1X, Esoteric has perfected its proprietary in-house manufactured OCXO clock module, the Master Sound Discrete Clock. The G1X‘s distinctive discrete circuitry has been lauded for its superior musical expressiveness, sparking excitement in the realm of high-end audio traditionally described solely in technical terms.

The “Master Sound Discrete Clock for Digital Player” utilized in the P1X SE applies the foundational design philosophy of G1X‘s in-house manufactured OCXO module to the internal clock of the digital player models. The exclusive circuit design employing carefully chosen discrete components, such as a large crystal oscillator, attains high audio quality that mirrors Esoteric‘s philosophy in every aspect, unattainable with an off-the-shelf clock module. The P1X SE can also be linked to the Grandioso G1X external master clock generator to enhance audio quality by synchronizing the internal circuitry to an even more precise 10 MHz clock.

Multi-layer Chassis

Particular attention was paid to the chassis construction of each unit, featuring a sturdy, robust, thick aluminum panel enclosure to ensure comprehensive vibration management. The lower chassis, to which each circuit component is affixed, adopts a multi-layer structure using multiple steel plates. The power transformer and other components are secured on distinct layers and situated in a three-dimensional layout to prevent mutual interference among each component. Esoteric‘s original Pinpoint foot*, combining a spike and saucer, has been replaced with a fresh foot that is secured not via bolts to the lower chassis but by the chassis’s weight when installed. By circumventing the stress concentration caused by fastening the Pinpoint foot body into the large surface area of the lower chassis, a more expansive sound is engendered.
*Patent JP4075477 / JP3778108

Esoteric Grandioso P1X SE
Newly Designed Pinpoint Foot of Grandioso P1X SE

Semi Floating Top Panel

The top panel of the casing employs a screwless semi-floating structure, contributing further to an open and expansive sound.

Double-Sided Remote Control

Esoteric Grandioso P1X SE

Encompassed is a compact, straightforward remote control capable of operating Esoteric amplifiers as well. The functional layout features buttons tailored for various operational scenarios on both sides of the remote control, and the smartphone-sized aluminum body, which fits snugly in the palm, is attained through advanced metal processing. Esoteric‘s new design affords an experience of considerate operability and artistry each time it is wielded.

Technical Specifications

Playable disc types Super Audio CD, CD (including CD-R and CD-RW)
Digital audio outputs  


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