
Debian — Announcements — Latest release of Debian 11: version 11.11 now available

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August 31st, 2024

The latest release of Debian 11, with the codename ‘bullseye’, is now available. This update focuses on addressing security vulnerabilities and critical issues in the existing distribution. Security advisories have been issued separately to provide detailed information on the fixes included in this release.

It’s important to note that this point release does not signify the launch of a new Debian version but rather serves to update certain packages within Debian 11. Users are advised that there is no need to discard any previous ‘bullseye’ media. Following installation, packages can be updated to the most recent versions through a Debian mirror.

For users who regularly install updates from, the number of packages requiring updates should be minimal, as many essential updates are incorporated into this point release.

Updated installation images will soon be accessible from the usual sources. Existing installations can be upgraded to this revision by configuring the package management system to utilize one of Debian’s numerous HTTP mirrors. A comprehensive list of available mirrors can be found at:

Secure Boot and Compatibility

If users have other operating systems installed on the same hardware and utilize Secure Boot, it’s essential to be aware that shim 15.8, included in Debian 11.11, invalidates signatures from older shim versions within the UEFI firmware. This may prevent previous versions of operating systems that rely on older shim versions from booting successfully. Affected users have the option to disable Secure Boot temporarily before updating other operating systems.

Various Bug Fixes

Several significant corrections have been made to various packages in this oldstable update. Some notable updates include:

Package Reason
amd64-microcode New security fixes and SEV firmware patches
ansible Stable release with fixes for security vulnerabilities and issues
apache2 Latest stable release addressing content disclosure problem

Security Enhancements

Several security updates have been included in this revision to strengthen the oldstable release and address known vulnerabilities. The Security Team has released specific advisories for each of these updates.

Package Removals

Due to unforeseen circumstances, certain packages have been removed from the distribution.

Debian Installer

The Debian Installer has been revamped to integrate all previous fixes made to the oldstable distribution through this point release.

Resource Links

For a detailed list of all package changes made in this update, users can refer to the following links:

  • Current oldstable distribution
  • Proposed updates for the oldstable distribution
  • Information about the oldstable distribution (release notes, errata, etc.)
  • Security announcements and related information

About the Debian Project

The Debian Project is a community of open-source developers dedicated to creating the freely available Debian operating system.

Contact Details

For additional information, please explore the Debian website at, send inquiries to <[email protected]>, or reach out to the stable release team at <[email protected]>.

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