
Extensions | Essential for KDE Plasma – CubicleNate’s Techpad

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The default file manager in the KDE Plasma desktop environment is Dolphin, renowned for its extensive features. However, for those looking to enhance their file managing experience, additional plugins can be incredibly beneficial. One such set of plugins that can elevate your file manager life are the “dolphin-plugins.”

During a retro-computing project, I required the ability to swiftly mount ISOs within the file manager. After a brief search, I stumbled upon the Dolphin-Plugins page on The features described were precisely what I needed for my project.

If you are running a Linux distribution with the Plasma Desktop environment, you can conveniently install these plugins via an AppStream link using software stores like Discover. For instance, on openSUSE, you can use the terminal command:

sudo zypper in dolphin-plugins

For users of other distributions, refer to your documentation for guidance on installing this plugin package.

Features Included

The dolphin-plugins provide several essential features. Users of Git and other revision control systems like Bazaar and Mercurial (though less common) can benefit from service menu options for adding, removing, and reverting files. Additionally, indicators for Dropbox synchronization statuses are included. While these may be considered niche features, they can be pivotal for some users.

To access the desired features in the service menu or “Context Menu,” specific selections need to be made. In my case, I opted for Git integration and the ability to mount ISO and disk images.

Git Integration

Once the necessary features are enabled, cloning a Git repository becomes a seamless process with just a right-click. The ability to view the status of a Git repository directly from the file manager is invaluable, allowing for effortless changes, commits, and pushes.

Mounting ISO and Disk Images

One of the most invaluable functions provided by this plugin is the ability to conveniently mount and access information from ISOs and disk images. Particularly useful for retro computing enthusiasts, browsing the contents of an ISO or IMG file is as simple as a right-click and selecting the mount option.

I have successfully mounted ISOs and IMG files, allowing me to easily navigate through their contents. This eliminates the need for multiple applications to extract files from these containers. It’s worth noting that editing these files may not be possible, but reading them is seamless.

Unmounting the device is equally straightforward. Within the “Places” panel on the left side of the Dolphin window, clicking the up arrow icon will unmount the image. However, Dolphin will retain the information about the mounted image for the duration of your session, which might bother users preferring a clutter-free workspace.

Additional Functionality

If you utilize Dropbox or other version control systems, this plugin offers robust compatibility. While I don’t currently use Dropbox, Bazaar, or Mercurial, users of these services can expect reliable performance from this plugin.

In Conclusion

The Dolphin File Manager stands as an exceptional application, setting a high standard in the realm of file management tools. Its unparalleled capabilities surpass any other file manager across various desktop environments and operating systems. By incorporating plugins to extend its functionalities and integrate with external services, Dolphin emerges as a standout tool, significantly enhancing the user experience.


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