
Fresh tunes – A halted timepiece

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This year, I have been lacking in my blog updates, but I am now taking the first step to rectify that.

Often, I restrict myself, believing my musings don’t merit longer posts, so I opt for brief updates on Mastodon. However, I’ve come to realize the importance of having a space to revisit my thoughts, something I’ve found valuable in the past.

While I, like many, often find comfort in the music that defined my youth, I also actively search for fresh melodies. Engaging in Weekly Beats has been immensely helpful. Through this, I stumbled upon a highly skilled artist with a name that’s a challenge to pronounce – Gesceap. I’ve categorized him in the same musical realm as Chris Leary, also known as Ochre, a long-time favorite of mine. What astounds me about Gesceap’s work is his ability to create intricate pieces using a compact software called nanoloop. His mastery within such limitations is truly exceptional.

Another musician I greatly admire is Ivar Tryti. A true expert with Elektron equipment, he delivers his tunes with robotic efficiency and accuracy, yet the music itself exudes its own distinct charm. I particularly appreciate his manipulation of energy in his compositions.[/embed>

One of the highlights for me at this year’s mini GUADEC was getting to showcase the Dirtywave M8. Although the device froze up three times during the demonstration (yikes), I was using a beta version to integrate the Novation Launchpad Pro. Tim had only added support for it a week before the event.

The audience’s response was incredible, and the performance exceeded my expectations. I seamlessly transitioned into DJ mode, extending the set for over 2.5 hours.[/embed>

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