
[Galaxy Chatter] Introducing the Athletic Climber With Endless Opportunities Who Scales Without Limits – Samsung Global Newsroom

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Sounds of Galaxy is a collection of authentic tales shining a light on Samsung Galaxy users who utilize their enthusiasm, ingenuity, and perseverance in conjunction with technology, to have a constructive influence on their personal lives, communities, and the globe.

French athletic climber and Crew Samsung Galaxy associate Mejdi Schalck commenced ascending on any available surface since the age of five. Little did he anticipate then that he would soon be vying in the Olympic Games.


He commenced observing his idols on social platforms, who motivated him to challenge them someday. Despite the daunting nature of this aspiration, he never imposed boundaries on himself and that’s what propelled him to his current status, on the Path to Paris 2024.


Mejdi quickly grasped that climbing resembles any other facet of life: there are no confines and it’s brimming with potential. Any individual can reach the peak if they remain receptive to the countless avenues ahead. He is also of the opinion that individuals should always be receptive to exchanging and acquiring knowledge from others, even those they may be in rivalry with.


Currently, Mejdi aims to motivate everyone to consistently maintain an open perspective and refrain from imposing limitations on themselves.


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