
How Google is aiding in expediting the advancement of sustainable energy in the Asia Pacific region

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Google’s Role in Accelerating Sustainable Energy Development in the Asia Pacific Area

In order to further progress in this area, we can allocate a part of this eco-friendly energy capacity to our chip suppliers and producers in the region. This way, they can enhance their sustainability objectives while aiding us in decreasing our Scope 3 emissions (the indirect emissions stemming from our value chain). A substantial portion of our Scope 3 impact can be linked back to the power grids that supply energy to our suppliers and users, underscoring the importance of widespread decarbonization in achieving our net-zero target through partnerships like this.

David Giordano, the Global Head of Climate Infrastructure at BlackRock, remarked, “As the demand for digital services increases, fueled by AI and data-focused technologies, investing in clean energy becomes essential. The collaboration reflects the shared dedication of Google and BlackRock to steering the transition towards a low-carbon economy.”

Advancing Decarbonization Opportunities in Asia Pacific

This collaboration is the culmination of more than five years of joint efforts to expedite the transition to clean energy through fostering market growth and policy enhancements across the Asia Pacific region. Our advocacy initiatives played a pivotal role in amending Taiwan’s Electricity Act in 2017, enabling non-utility companies to directly procure renewable energy. This initiative led to us becoming the first corporate entity to sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in the region. Subsequently, Taiwan has achieved substantial contracted capacity through corporate PPAs, establishing itself as a prominent corporate PPA market in the Asia-Pacific region.

Progress towards our goal of carbon-free energy is gaining momentum across Asia Pacific, with recent developments in Australia and Japan. Concurrently, we are collaborating with partners to bolster policies that promote the decarbonization of power grids. As a founding member of the Asia Clean Energy Coalition (ACEC), we are bringing together energy consumers, suppliers, and policymakers to enhance the policy and regulatory landscape for corporate renewable energy procurement. Coalitions such as ACEC are pivotal in catalyzing the systemic changes necessary for a carbon-free future in the Asia Pacific region.

This partnership marks a significant milestone in our journey towards net-zero emissions and carbon-free operations, yet there is still much work to be carried out both within Asia Pacific and globally. For further insights into our sustainability endeavors, please visit

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