
Music group criticizes Rockstar for licensing proposal for Grand Theft Auto 6

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The melodies that resonate on the radio channels have played a significant role in the Grand Theft Auto series throughout the years. Many have unearthed lesser-known artists through these games. Nonetheless, not many artists appreciate being compensated with ‘exposure’, a fact that has been made abundantly evident following a single band’s publicized disapproval of Rockstar’s meager offer to feature a track in the forthcoming Grand Theft Auto 6.

Martyn Ware, from the group Heaven 17, disclosed this past weekend that the band’s representatives were approached by Rockstar regarding the prospect of incorporating the band’s song, Temptation, into the Grand Theft Auto 6 soundtrack. The proposal entailed a one-time payment of $7500, in exchange for relinquishing all entitlement to royalties.

Ware unambiguously articulated his sentiments regarding this offer in a publication on X, underscoring that Grand Theft Auto 5 (erroneously referred to as Grand Theft Auto 6) raked in over $8 billion, prior to instructing Rockstar to go attend to itself.

It remains uncertain if other artists were presented with a similar proposal, but it is probable that Rockstar will extend more substantial sums to better-known musicians. There is also uncertainty regarding the potential for negotiation in this scenario. Nevertheless, following Ware’s public statements, it is highly probable that Rockstar’s authorization team will promptly redirect their focus towards securing other acts for the game’s radio broadcasts.

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