
Samsung Debuts High-End OB/GYN Ultrasound Device ‘HERA Z20’ at ISUOG World Congress 2024 – Samsung Global Newsroom

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In-person gathering organized to rejoice in recent creation ‘HERA Z20’ and fresh website debut


Samsung Medison, an international medical equipment corporation and a subordinate of Samsung Electronics, takes part in the 34th yearly scholarly meeting of ISUOG World Congress 2024 (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology) conducted in Budapest, Hungary from 15 to 18 September.


Samsung Medison presents HERA Z20, a novel prestigious ultrasound system for OB&GYN, at ISUOG esteemed as the most crucial academic conference in the domain of OB&GYN ultrasound.


HERA Z20 enhances the forefront AI diagnostic aid attributes to enhance the well-being of women and fetuses. The Live ViewAssist™ furnishes a real-time diagnostic location, is freshly merged into HERA Z20. The Live ViewAssist™ reduces the time necessary for measurement and elevates precision by automatically grouping cross sections and delivering measurement outcomes for the complete quarter of OB&GYN.


Live Q-scan and A-Focus™ traits have been freshly appended to HERA Z20 to cater a more even image and clearer image standard. The Live Q-scan trims down noises that emerge during the ultrasound examination in real-time, and A-Focus™ delivers crisper images in each scanning depth. Crystal Architecture™, Samsung Healthcare exclusive ultrasound imaging technology, similarly employs the upgraded second generation engine to increase transparency of image.


HERA Z20 boosts user conveniences through My HERA surpassing the AI diagnostic aid attribute. My HERA as a trait enabling the user to construct personalized ultrasound system by specifying the diagnostic setting values for each user type beforehand, can be modified in accordance with user preference.


Furthermore, the EzStructure™ and EzFlow™ attributes furnish hassle-free, optimal imaging settings for the anatomy to be examined with a single tap of a button. The chief monitor and touch panel have freely adaptable angles and are ergonomically tailored for user convenience.


Samsung Medison schedules to execute a live scan of the HERA Z20 onsite to display the real-time AI diagnostic aid and reporting attributes that are quicker and robust than beforehand.


In ISUOG, Samsung Medison similarly introduces theSUITE website for the initial time along with HERA Z20 where insightful contents of Samsung ultrasound system are complied. The new website admittance registration event will be conducted to celebrate theSUITE launch in ISUOG. Samsung Medison will use theSUITE to boost accessibility to the data of each product feature for domestic and international medical specialists and assure global bidding competitiveness.



Meanwhile, Samsung Medison pursues the fulfillment of eco-friendly ethics grounded on IT technology of Samsung from the production development level by diminishing energy usage through assessment of customer’s product usage pattern.


HERA Z20 has lessened the product volume diminishing the quantity of components by including circuit integration technology chiefly used for mobile devices, etc. Furthermore, the packaging and cushioning materials are the substituted with 100% recycled paper by refining the packing design to endure heavy load on paper, and eco-friendly recycled plastic material is employed for the system body.


Samsung Medison assigned part of exhibition hall as ‘eco-friendly zone’ and distributes own energy strategy at the booth constructed using environment-friendly materials.


Kyutae Yoo, President of Health & Medical Equipment Business at Samsung Electronics and CEO of Samsung Medison said “We are dedicated to giving our utmost to further boost global market share through the unveiling of a new prestigious ultrasound system for OB&GYN, new instructional website, and synergy with Sonio which is equipped with outstanding AI reporting software,” and “We will take a leap forward as a global frontrunner in the medical equipment sector by improving product performance and sustainability through technological innovation.”


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