
Samsung teams up with the University of Georgia to establish and evaluate energy levels for cutting-edge digital health experiences.

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Creating a buzz in the tech world, Samsung has joined forces with the University of Georgia to introduce and gauge energy levels for cutting-edge digital health interactions. The upcoming Galaxy Watch, scheduled for launch in the latter part of this year, will feature the integration of One UI 6 Watch to elevate the AI-powered health functions of the wearable device. A standout component of the new interface is the Energy Score, offering users personalized health suggestions based on a numerical assessment reflecting their overall energy status.

Exploring the intricacies of the Energy Score feature, Samsung Research collaborated with Professor Patrick O’Connor from the Mary Frances Early College of Education’s Department of Kinesiology at the University of Georgia in the United States.

Professor O’Connor, a distinguished authority in exercise psychology, holds vast expertise in analyzing the impacts of sleep, physical activity, and caffeine intake on cognition and perceptions of energy. His insights were pivotal in shaping the Energy Score feature on Samsung Health, merging physical activity with neuroscience insights to introduce the concept of “Overall Capacity.”

While many existing services focus solely on physical elements when evaluating energy levels, the Overall Capacity concept considers both physical and cognitive factors. Mental stressors can significantly influence energy levels, manifested through disrupted sleep patterns and increased fatigue during periods of stress.

Energy, as quantified through the Energy Score, mirrors the amount of activity an individual can sustain relative to their total capacity. Engaging in activities exceeding one’s usual physical or mental exertion can lead to a temporary decrease in energy levels. However, regular exercise has the potential to boost Overall Capacity, potentially resulting in a higher Energy Score over time.

The Energy Score calculation is rooted in factors such as physical activity levels, sleep quality, heart rate during sleep, and heart rate variability during sleep tracked by wearable devices. Samsung Research meticulously crafted the Energy Score feature based on scientific studies and clinical research analyzing the connection between these indicators and various markers of energy.

Age and gender considerations are factored into determining the weight each factor carries in influencing one’s Energy Score, with experiments corroborating a strong correlation between Samsung’s Energy Score models and clinical data collected by the University of Georgia’s researchers.

Going beyond mere numerical values, Samsung Health’s Energy Score provides users with health recommendations anchored in seven key factors impacting the score, including average sleep duration and previous day’s physical activity.

By integrating optimization AI and generative AI technologies, Samsung Research offers personalized health guidance via friendly messages, empowering users to make informed decisions about their daily activity and rest patterns to enhance their overall lifestyle.

Professor O’Connor’s collaboration with Samsung developers underscores a shared commitment to fortifying the reliability and validity of the Energy Score, ensuring scientifically sound metrics drive user experiences.

Yunsu Lee, Head of the Data Intelligence Team at Samsung Research, expressed, “Through our collaboration with Professor O’Connor, we were able to address this challenge in a scientifically meaningful way. We will continue to develop data and AI technologies to ensure that Samsung’s various devices are used more widely to enhance users’ lives.”

1 Only for general health management and fitness purposes. Service availability may vary by country.
2 The advanced research and development organization in Samsung Electronics’ DX (Device eXperience) division

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