
Shin Megami Tensei V: Retribution

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In Shin Megami Tensei V: Redemption, the Mitama spirits – Saki Mitama, Nigi Mitama, Ara Mitama, and Kushi Mitama – stand out as some of the rarest entities you will encounter. These spirits possess a distinctive trait where their vulnerabilities shift each time you engage with them. They possess immunity to all forms of damage except the one they are specifically weak against, providing you with a narrow window to uncover their vulnerabilities.

To effectively combat these elusive Mitama spirits, a strategic approach is crucial. An early-game strategy involves utilizing Spyglasses to unveil their weakness upon encounter. Should your current demon lineup lack the necessary elemental attacks, consider swapping in a demon that can exploit the weakness. Alternatively, employing skills with the Pierce attribute can circumvent elemental resistances, offering a reliable means to vanquish these formidable foes.

Although the pursuit of defeating Mitama spirits may seem arduous, the rewards in Shin Megami Tensei V: Redemption are substantial. A triumphant battle against Saki Mitama yields multiple Relic items that can be exchanged for a generous amount of Macca at Cadaver’s Hollow. Similarly, besting Nigi Mitama awards a Small Glory Crystal, providing 10 Glory to unlock additional Miracles. Conquering Kushi Mitama results in a Gospel drop, boosting the Nahobino’s level by one upon gaining experience. Lastly, Ara Mitama leaves behind a valuable Grimoire, capable of elevating any demon’s level by one if below the Nahobino’s level upon utilization.

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