
The Chinese Ministry of State Security has issued a warning about foreign spy agencies targeting international organizations to steal China’s technology secrets.

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China has cautioned that foreign spy agencies are actively targeting its citizens working overseas in a series of “quite deceptive” operations with the aim of stealing hi-tech industrial secrets.

The Chinese Ministry of State Security has disclosed that foreign adversaries are employing a three-part strategy to target its overseas workers. The campaign typically begins with a seemingly friendly approach, followed by attempts to build trust through social interactions such as dinners and conversations in order to establish a deeper connection.

According to the ministry, overseas workers should be cautious and maintain a strong awareness of potential ulterior motives when forming new friendships. They should also be vigilant in protecting sensitive information and resist any attempts to manipulate or deceive them.

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Once the trust is established, the targets are often coerced or deceived into divulging state secrets to their supposed ‘friends’. The ministry has cited several instances where these tactics have been successfully employed. In a high-profile case in 2019, China handed down a death sentence to an overseas worker for the theft and sale of state secrets over an extended period.

China’s increasing global engagement, particularly through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), has made its overseas workers more vulnerable to targeted espionage activities. The BRI aims to expand China’s influence and establish new trade partnerships in regions across Asia, Africa, and Europe, positioning it as a strategic rival to the US.

The Ministry of State Security regularly utilizes social media platforms to disseminate warnings and alerts regarding various espionage activities. These alerts range from cautionary messages about consultants engaged in espionage to reports of underwater spyware incidents in waters that China claims jurisdiction over.

Source: South China Morning Post

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