
The FTC is taking legal action against Adobe for undisclosed charges and memberships.

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Adobe has maintained a dominant position in the realm of editing software for quite some time. By introducing Creative Cloud and transitioning to a subscription model for Adobe applications, numerous longtime users have expressed grievances regarding pricing and the process for canceling subscriptions. The US government has now taken decisive action, with the FTC initiating a lawsuit against the corporation along with two of its senior executives.

The US Department of Justice has filed a federal court complaint following a referral from the FTC. Adobe is accused of steering consumers towards an “annual paid monthly” subscription for Creative Cloud, without sufficiently highlighting the substantial cost involved in canceling the plan within the first year. In addition to the company, the complaint also mentions two high-ranking executives at Adobe: David Wadhwani, the President of Digital Media, and Maninder Sawhney, the Vice President.

Samuel Levine, the Director of Consumer Protection at the FTC, proclaimed the legal complaint, stating: “Adobe ensnared customers in year-long subscriptions via concealed early termination fees and numerous hurdles for cancellation. The American populace is growing weary of companies obscuring vital information during subscription sign-up and then impeding the cancellation process. The FTC remains committed to safeguarding Americans from such illicit business practices.”

The FTC is particularly critical of Adobe’s sales strategies, such as burying crucial details like termination costs in small print or concealing important disclosures behind tiny icons that necessitate hovering the mouse over them for complete information. Naturally, the protracted process for canceling Adobe subscriptions is also a point of contention.

While Adobe will undoubtedly mount a defense, the company has yet to issue a public statement regarding the case.

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The FTC is suing Adobe over ‘hidden fees’ and subscriptions

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