Greetings Tumbleweed users and enthusiasts,

The reason for covering two weeks in this summary is straightforward: the past week was dedicated to the openSUSE Conference in Nuremberg where I engaged with the dynamic community members. I trust you understand my absence. Despite the conference and weekend distractions, the Release Team (primarily Ana lately) astonishingly delivered 12 snapshots (0620, 0621, 0622, 0624, 0625, 0627, 0628, 0629, 0701, 0702, 0703, and 0704).

The significant updates from these snapshots comprise:

  • GDB 14.2
  • MariaDB 11.4.2
  • Mesa: workaround for faulty graphics on ATI/AMD chipsets, Version 24.1.2
  • Shadow 4.16.0
  • Wayland 1.23.0
  • KDE Plasma 6.1.0, 6.1.1 & 6.1.2
  • GCC 14.1.1
  • Qt 6.7.2
  • Linux kernel 6.9.6 (resolving connection issues with iwlwifi) & 6.9.7
  • NetworkManager 1.48.2
  • ClamAV 1.3.1
  • GNOME 46.3
  • GStreamer 1.24.5
  • Perl 5.40.0
  • LLVM 18.1.8
  • Poppler 24.07.0
  • Qemu 9.0.1
  • Systemd 255.8
  • Cups 2.4.10
  • Samba 4.20.2
  • PyTest 8.2.2
  • openssh fix for CVE-2024-6387, also known as RegreSSHion

An impressive array of updates within a brief period, don’t you think? As summer vacations begin, including my own – no reports from me for the next two weeks! Please refer to the specific snapshot release announcements on the [email protected] mailing list. As many individuals unwind, we anticipate a decrease in requests directed towards Tumbleweed.

Previewing the pending changes in the staging area, we can anticipate the following updates in the coming days/weeks:

  • Mesa 24.1.3
  • Mozilla Firefox 127.0.2
  • LibreOffice: resolution for excess recommends on libreoffice-qt6
  • Agama packages and installer soon to emerge. Not yet verified as part of the Tumbleweed release process, but feel free to test and experiment with it
  • KDE Gear 24.05.2
  • SELinux 3.7
  • cmake 3.30.0
  • transactional-update: facilitate soft reboot; view for more details
  • dbus-broker: addressing some networking issues post-upgrades
  • GCC 14: phase 2: transition to gcc14 as the default compiler – much assistance needed: