
Two rodents from Pulsar, The Xlite V3 and Xlite V3 es, scurried by.

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An Innovative Design For the Pulsar Xlite Series

The novel Pulsar Xlite V3 showcases a physical transformation compared to its predecessor. Even the most sizeable of the three available models is marginally smaller than the V2, and Pulsar has addressed all the gaps that characterized the previous designs.  The Xlite V3 es, dubbed as the eSports edition of the mouse, stands out. Instead of relying on software installed on your system to adjust settings, an OLED screen is integrated into the base of the Xlite V3 es to manage your configurations.

Both mice utilize the PixArt PAW3395 sensor, albeit with slight variations in the implementation. The Xlite V3 offers a range of 50 to 26,000 CPI, whereas the eSports variant provides six CPI steps doubling the sensitivity levels, ranging from 400 to 12,800 CPI. The polling rates differ for wired use; however, both can achieve 4000Hz in wireless mode. In wired mode, the Xlite V3 peaks at 1000Hz, while the Xlite V3 es impressively reaches 8000Hz.

You can view the V3 here, and explore the V3 es on this page.

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