
Delay updates improve steadiness, amplify efficiency.

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2. Sep 2024
Douglas DeMaio

With each Delay updates, Slowroll takes steps forward, the most recent upgrades unveiled on August 30 and Sept. 2 bring a plethora of support packages that enrich systems. These advancements are part of Slowroll’s ongoing initiative to present users with a consistent rolling release that emphasizes steadiness while ensuring the software lineup remains contemporary.

The updates for this period were initially slated for July 9, August 9, and Sept. 9, aligning seamlessly with the monthly schedule.

The August 30 updates encompassed 49 packages predominantly enhancing existing tools. Key improvements consist of:

  • Programming Tools: Revamps to llvm14, llvm15, and llvm17, along with other crucial packages such as bash and python-Flask-Cors, solidify that developers operating within the Slowroll ecosystem have the most recent resources and libraries for coding and programming.
  • Utility Systems: Enhancements to NetworkManager-branding and ddcutil-service in the update contribute to system performance and hardware compatibility.
  • Media and Visuals: Applications like darktable, muPDF, and SDL_mixer were updated to ensure smoother operation in graphic-related tasks.
  • Virtual Environments: The inclusion of an update for VirtualBox guarantees that users dependent on virtual setups maintain a steady and protected platform for running other operating systems or isolated environments.

The Sept. 2 updates promptly ensued, delivering 44 packages. These upgrades incorporate:

  • Networking and Safety: Updates include improvements to NetworkManager, bind, and dkimproxy for dependable network functioning.
  • Media Enhancements: The update introduces improvements to the gstreamer package family (gstreamer, gstreamer-plugins-bad, gstreamer-plugins-base, etc.) crucial for media processing and playback.
  • System Tools and Programming: buildah, dracut, and python-flake8 were among the updated tools catering to system administrators and developers.
  • Cloud Services and Virtualization: Updates to nextcloud and python-azure-agent focused on Slowroll’s cloud services and virtual technologies.

The development team aims to release further updates in the future following a similar release pattern. Check out the latest statistics on the Slowroll Stats page.

Importantly, Slowroll is not designed to replace Leap but offers an alternative for users seeking more modern software at a slower pace than Tumbleweed yet faster than Leap.

For those venturing into Slowroll, enjoy the process – slowly but surely rolling ahead!


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