
A new Xbox AI chatbot is said to be in development, aiming to streamline the process of getting assistance on the console and make it more efficient for players.

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A new Xbox AI chatbot is on the horizon

Microsoft is reportedly in the development phase of an AI chatbot for Xbox that aims to revolutionize player support on the console. This chatbot will bring efficiency and convenience to players seeking assistance while gaming.

Introducing the Xbox Support Virtual Agent

The AI chatbot, internally referred to as the ‘Xbox Support Virtual Agent’, will be a visible character that dynamically responds to player queries and commands. By extracting information from the official Xbox support website, it will provide relevant advice and even facilitate refund processes if needed.

Efficient and Interactive Support

Haiyan Zhang, Xbox’s general manager of gaming AI, highlighted that the goal of this virtual agent is to streamline the support process by offering assistance through natural language inputs. Players can engage with the chatbot either through voice commands or text inputs, making it user-friendly and interactive.

Microsoft’s AI Integration in Gaming

Microsoft has been actively incorporating artificial intelligence into its gaming ecosystem. Beyond the Xbox Support Virtual Agent, the company has collaborated with Inworld AI to enhance AI tools for developers, particularly in areas such as story, dialogue, and quest design.

AI Trends in the Gaming Industry

The gaming industry as a whole is exploring the potential of AI to simplify various aspects of game development. Ubisoft’s Neo NPCs, for instance, is a generative AI tool designed for character creation and dialogue. In contrast, Xbox’s AI chatbot focuses on leveraging existing support resources rather than generative AI technology.

Potential Impact on Xbox Users

Once fully operational, the Xbox AI chatbot could serve as a valuable support feature for users, providing quick and easy access to assistance and information. With a focus on enhancing user experience, Microsoft’s foray into AI-driven support systems signifies a new era in gaming customer service.

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