
CentOS Hyperscale Special Interest Group Quarterly Report for the second quarter of 2024 –

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Here is the comprehensive overview of the activities carried out between January 27th, 2024, and July 3rd, 2024, as per the latest report. To delve into the earlier accomplishments, refer to the 2023Q4 publication.


The primary focus of the Hyperscale SIG is to facilitate the seamless deployment of CentOS Stream on extensive infrastructures and foster collaboration on various packages and tools.

Member Update

Sincere the previous update, there have been no alterations in the SIG membership composition.

We extend a warm invitation to individuals interested and committed to contributing within the SIG’s scope to join us and actively participate. Refer to our user documentation for the current list of members and instructions on joining.

Software Releases and Packages

Unless specified otherwise, the packages are accessible in our primary repository, which can be activated using dnf install centos-hyperscale-release. Any discrepancies encountered with these packages can be reported on our package-bugs tracker.

CentOS Stream 10 – Latest Release!

The CentOS Stream 10 builds commenced becoming available earlier in June, with subsequent SIG support announcements. This advancement enables us to generate Hyperscale content for the new distribution! Given that CentOS Stream 10 is not officially rolled out yet, the SIG content should be viewed as preliminary at this stage, with expectations for stabilization as development proceeds and we near the release. Our aim is to have a complete set of deliverables for Hyperscale upon release.

CentOS Stream 8 Reaches EOL

In the aftermath of the official EOL declaration, the content development for CentOS Stream 8 has been halted, and our documentation will be updated correspondingly. Previously released packages are still accessible in the vault; however, future updates will cease.


We rolled out systemd 255 for CentOS Stream 9. Moreover, all systemd integration tests are now conducted in a CentOS Stream 9 Hyperscale image for every pull request in the upstream systemd repository. This extended coverage aids in identifying issues in pull requests before merging. For systemd 256, the plan is to simplify the backporting process by collaborating directly from the stable branch in the upstream systemd repository instead of maintaining a separate branch.

We have completed the initial build of systemd for CentOS Stream 10. Presently, it is systemd 255, with plans for a new build featuring the recently released systemd 256 shortly.

Lastly, following the shift to open development on github for CentOS Stream 9 SELinux policy ( ), we aim to retire our custom systemd SELinux policy upon the release of systemd v256. We propose to advocate for the necessary policy enhancements to be backported to the CentOS Stream SELinux policy moving forward.


We launched core 6.8.5-0.hs1 for CentOS Stream 9. This aligns with the strategy of releasing kernels based on upstream Fedora kernels as opposed to CentOS/RHEL kernels to simplify the integration of novel features and functionalities into CentOS Hyperscale. Moving forward, the Hyperscale SIG will be tracking Fedora kernels to compile and deploy on CentOS. The kernel maintains a configuration akin to RHEL, with adjustments tailored to CentOS Hyperscale requirements.

The groundwork for the subsequent rebase has commenced, focusing on CentOS Stream 9 and 10 simultaneously as part of the CentOS Stream Hyperscale 10 initiation.

Custom Images

Newly updated images for CentOS Stream Hyperscale that were constructed in May 2024 have been released. In addition to the experimental workstation live media offering KDE Plasma and GNOME desktop interfaces, fresh experimental cloud images compatible with OpenStack and Amazon EC2 have been introduced.

We are exploring the possibility of making cloud images accessible in public cloud marketplaces as we progress with the enhancement of our cloud images.

Software Enhancements

As previously mentioned, we have initiated the build process for packages on CentOS Stream 10, encompassing btrfs-progs, compsize, and snapper to lay the foundation for certain userspace tools required for btrfs support in the distribution. Additionally, a recent kpatch update has been developed for both CentOS Stream 10 and 9, incorporating several enhancements and bug fixes from the upstream.

Other updates in CentOS Stream 9 encompass:

  • A fresh librepo build incorporating the latest upstream modifications
  • Updated builds of qemu and libvirt backports from Fedora; although these packages are now officially published, additional testing is encouraged, and any available feedback is appreciated
  • emacs rebased to version 29.4 to embrace the latest security patches
  • mkosi version 22 update. mkosi serves as a crucial tool for systemd testing, and since systemd relies on an up-to-date mkosi version, we backport it alongside systemd to ensure compatibility and efficacy for systemd development.

Notable additions to the software repository include:

  • dracut 059 backported from Fedora, a necessity for the latest systemd releases to ensure the initramfs incorporates essential systemd binaries.
  • ed 1.19 backported from Fedora to address regressions noted in version 1.14 (tracked in RHEL-32549)
  • elfutils 0.191 backported from Fedora with static subpackages enabled, catering to developers requiring the construction of binaries compatible across diverse OS versions
  • iproute 6.7.0 featuring enhanced BPF support
  • libnvme 1.8 and nvme-cli 2.8 backported from Fedora
  • tmux 3.4 backported from Fedora, introducing support for OSC 8 hyperlinks
  • vim 9.1.113 backported from Fedora, incorporating improved syntax highlighting for Python
  • traceroute 2.1.5 backported from Fedora, inclusive of support for ICMP extension headers, enhancing troubleshoot in IPv6-only environments

Noteworthy updates in adjacent repositories:

  • The facebook variant of openssh now encompasses the fix for CVE-2024-6387 (regreSSHion). The Meta-specific additions are being progressively integrated upstream, particularly the LOG_SESSION_ID support for non-PAM environments. Parties interested can recompile to procure the CVE fix, with the Meta patches excluded.

DNF/RPM Stack with CoW Support

We have presented an updated edition of the Copy-on-Write patchset upstream; however, further refinement is imperative. Following constructive dialogue with the upstream RPM developers at DevConf.CZ, we are actively assimilating the received feedback to propel this feature forward.

Status and Progress


The SIG hosts bi-weekly gatherings on Wednesdays at 16:00 UTC. These meetings are logged, and the minutes from past sessions are accessible for reference.

For spontaneous discussions and work coordination, the SIG leverages the Matrix room. While this room was previously connected to the #centos-hyperscale IRC channel, the bridge is currently inactive. Asynchronous conversations and announcements typically transpire on the centos-devel mailing list. Additionally, the SIG conducts open monthly video conferences to optimize collaboration and community engagement.

Conference Presentations

In the preceding quarter, members of the CentOS Hyperscale SIG participated in numerous conferences, showcasing the endeavors of the SIG and engaging in personal interactions. A detailed overview of SIG activities was presented at CentOS Connect during FOSDEM, where a SIG meet-up was also conducted. Subsequently, the contributions in Hyperscale and their relation to the broader CentOS project were elaborated upon at LinuxFest Northwest and Red Hat Summit. The SIG also had a presence at FOSDEM, SCALE 21x, Texas Linux Fest, LSFMMBPF, and DevConf.CZ.

A page is maintained to monitor conference presentations related to Hyperscale subjects, encompassing references to all aforementioned talks, along with available video recordings. If you wish to connect with us in person at upcoming events, kindly reach out.

Later this year, our agenda includes participation in Flock to Fedora, DevConf.US, Linux Plumbers, and All Systems Go.

Face-to-face Session

On the initial day of CentOS Connect, an in-person gathering was held.

On par with prior events, this meeting enabled personal interaction, fostering substantive discussions and making considerable headway on various projects. While the gathering was not recorded, detailed notes from the discussions are available for review.

Live Streams

Periodically, the SIG conducts live work sessions on Twitch via their official channel. Interested individuals keen on observing and engaging with the group during work sessions are encouraged to follow the Twitch channel to receive notifications about upcoming streams.

Future Endeavors

The SIG maintains an inventory of pending projects as issues on our Pagure repository. Notable ongoing projects include:

  • Continuing the CentOS Stream 10 deployment
  • Proposing an updated QEMU package in EPEL
  • Integrating btrfs transactional updates as an optional feature

Issues for the Panel

At present, there are no significant issues that warrant the panel’s attention.

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