
Daily readiness updates and fresh fitness measurements

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Fitbit’s latest wearable, the Pixel Watch 3, showcases a display that is twice as luminous as its predecessor and is now offered in an additional 45mm size. Sporting slimmer bezels and fresh color choices, the external upgrades are impressive. However, the real magic lies within the Pixel Watch 3, particularly the enhancements to how it leverages Fitbit metrics to provide insights into your health and fitness.

The development of these metrics is rooted in sports medicine, with a constant drive for learning and innovation within the Fitbit team. The Pixel Watch 3 introduces a new Daily Readiness algorithm, designed to help users gauge their body’s recovery from daily activities. Additionally, two new features, Cardio Load and Target Load, offer further insights into fitness levels and goals.

Behind the scenes, a team of experts in fitness and medicine, including Cathy Speed, a renowned Sports Medicine and Human Performance professor, contributed to the creation of these groundbreaking metrics. Drawing from experience in elite sports medicine, Cathy and her team aimed to democratize access to advanced fitness information. The goal was to equip users, from beginners to elite athletes, with actionable insights for optimal training strategies.

Fine-tuning Daily Readiness

The initial release of the Daily Readiness Score in 2021 focused on assessing the body’s recovery based on activity, heart rate, and sleep data. With the Pixel Watch 3 launch, the Fitbit team sought to refine the algorithm to align more closely with the body’s recovery signals. Leveraging the multipath heart rate sensors in the Pixel Watch 3, the team delved deeper into metrics like Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to provide a more nuanced understanding of physiological recovery.

Introducing Cardio Load and Target Load

Two new additions, Cardio Load and Target Load, aim to offer users a comprehensive view of their heart’s activity levels and tailored recommendations for daily exercise volume. Cardio Load provides insights into heart exertion during activities and daily routines, while Target Load suggests appropriate activity levels based on individual training status and readiness. By integrating these features alongside the Daily Readiness Score, users receive a holistic view of their body’s recovery and actionable guidance for their fitness journey.

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