
Discover alternative datacenter solutions with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Arm architecture.

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Uncover alternate data hub solutions utilizing Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Arm design.

Not all corporations are identical, and similarly, each IT setup varies. With the rise in performance and resource requirements of modern applications and services, IT departments must have the ability to customize their full infrastructure efficiently—from hardware to software to cloud services. Whether you’re expanding to handle larger workloads or swiftly incorporating new solutions, having the flexibility to select from a wide range of technologies that can best support your specific, contemporary, agile infrastructure approaches is crucial. As the importance of data center energy efficiency and price performance continues to grow, innovative hardware and software technologies offer you choices to tailor your IT environment to meet the demands of your critical business workloads.

Run crucial applications on Arm processors

At the core of many of these innovative technologies, Arm processors strike a balance between energy efficiency, performance, and cost across various applications—from web and media services to high-performance computing and telecommunications. Typically found in edge computing devices such as smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints, Arm processors are increasingly favored options in data center and high-performance server setups. Arm-based instances are now accessible in all major clouds, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Arm processors present fresh opportunities to enhance the energy efficiency and price performance of your data center infrastructure. For instance, Arm Neoverse processors can deliver up to 3.5 times more work per watt than traditional processors, leading to reduced carbon footprint and operational costs for applications. Moreover, numerous organizations that transition to Arm-based cloud resources observe up to a 40% enhancement in price performance for their applications. By leveraging intellectual property from Arm, many hardware providers create and customize new, advanced processors to meet specific workload requirements, enabling you to provide specialized performance profiles for critical workloads and optimize overall resource utilization. Follow this link to access a comprehensive list of Red Hat vendors providing certified ARM hardware support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Implement a trusted software base

Merely relying on hardware technologies is insufficient to address the complexities of deploying and managing modern applications. A dependable, scalable, security-oriented software foundation can help you maximize workload performance and enhance stability for exceptional user experiences. Serving as a fundamental layer in your software stack, your operating system facilitates interactions between hardware and applications and furnishes essential services and resources. Through virtualization technologies, operating systems optimize resource utilization, isolate workloads, and enhance scalability across various environments. When consistently deployed across IT footprints, operating systems present a unified foundation that enables you to standardize and streamline operations, boost efficiency, and bolster security.

As an integral part of the complete Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) platform portfolio, Red Hat Enterprise Linux for ARM brings enterprise-grade operating system features to Arm-based infrastructure. By having a uniform operating system across your entire environment—encompassing your Arm-based and x86-based servers—you can select the most suitable and efficient hardware for each workload and manage everything using a single, standardized toolset. A dependable, steady set of operating system images, toolchains, libraries, container tools, and runtimes aids in simplifying the deployment of critical applications and services. Live kernel patching, integrated security profiles, security standards compliance, and a trusted software supply chain assist in mitigating risks, automating security measures, and ensuring compliance. Extensive performance monitoring, tracing, and analysis tools enable you to identify anomalies, scrutinize system performance, and implement best practices to better optimize your infrastructure.

Collaborate with prominent industry leaders

Red Hat and Arm collaborate to devise modern platforms that deliver heightened value for your enterprise. Our jointly developed solutions empower you to create and deploy modern applications on a flexible, steadfast, and reliable foundation across hybrid and multicloud environments. RHEL for ARM furnishes a consistent, personalized experience for running and managing workloads on your Arm-based servers, encompassing physical and virtualized infrastructure. Our innovative, energy-efficient hardware and software solutions aid organizations in accomplishing their environmental and sustainability objectives globally.

Gain further insights and initiate today

RHEL for ARM enables you to deploy critical business applications on the processor architecture that aligns with your workload demands. Leverage reduced power consumption and operational expenses. Enhance uptime and performance for essential services and uphold a consistent, efficient software foundation throughout your complete IT setup.

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