
Google may have stored your private browsing data while in incognito mode, but they have now agreed to delete it.

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Google recently agreed to settle a long-standing class-action lawsuit relating to its data collection practices during incognito browsing. The lawsuit alleged that Google tracked and collected user data even in incognito mode. While Google clarified that incognito mode data isn’t saved locally, websites could still collect information. As part of the settlement, Google has agreed to delete all collected data, rewrite incognito mode disclosures, and block third-party cookies by default for at least five years. Despite no monetary compensation for individuals, they retain the right to sue Google for damages. This agreement may raise concerns for users who previously believed their incognito browsing was undetectable. Google acting as a data middle-man for ad targeting purposes, ensures browsing continuity using cookies. While Google has committed to making changes, it remains uncertain if the messaging on incognito splash pages will be altered. Furthermore, Google supports the settlement’s final approval but disagrees with some legal and factual aspects outlined in the motion. Overall, this resolution signifies a step towards enhancing user privacy in incognito mode browsing.

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