
Hachidori Fukami vacuum tube preamplifier | audiophile-focused website

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Nanao-shi, Japan | 2024 – Fukami: ‘to gaze deeply, intensely’ Dedication, zeal, artistry…

The Fukami stands out as a full-tube preamplifier tailored for open-reel tape and phono playback. It boasts advanced functionalities for seamless integration with various sources and downstream components.

Despite its understated appearance, the Fukami serves as a transparent portal to the nuances and emotional depth that top-tier analog recordings offer. Rather than accentuating specific particulars, it allows the music’s essence to directly captivate the listener.

The sonic goals, user conveniences, construction methods, and visual aesthetics blend harmoniously to create a piece that is timeless and free from unnecessary embellishments. In this regard, it embodies the principles of Zen philosophy.

Set up to be maintained and cared for adequately, the Fukami promises consistent performance and delightful listening experiences for generations.

Zen Philosophy

Rooted in Mahayana Buddhism, Zen made its way from China to Japan in the 12th century, profoundly influencing Japanese philosophy, art, and culture, with a lasting impact to this day. Emphasizing enlightenment through intuition and direct experience, fostered by meditation, it has shaped various traditional Japanese kogei arts. Prioritizing the essential over the mundane has resulted in art forms of timeless elegance and everyday items of simple, yet practical utility. A key feature of Zen-inspired artwork and architecture is the Enso circular symbol, symbolizing the absence of beginning and end, illustrating the non-dual nature of Zen thought.


Top-notch Sound Precision

The use of cable shield driver for high-impedance tape heads eradicates the occurrence of in-band head resonance and high-frequency peaking/roll off by neutralizing cable capacitance loading. The push-pull 600 Ohm output driver employs output transformers with Permalloy cores to minimize high-order harmonic distortion. A precise discrete Class A DC servo ensures balanced plate currents, thereby reducing low-frequency distortion.

All audio coupling, equalization, and phase compensation capacitors are high-quality dipped silver mica types, delivering exceptional sound quality alongside high stability and reliability. Special circuit design methods enable their utilization despite limited available capacitance values.


Adaptability and User-friendliness

Featuring two-stage stepped attenuators that allow for a broad range and accurate, repeatable output level adjustments, the Fukami is ideal for maximizing the dynamic range of A/D converters. The sophisticated output level metering system, especially suitable for direct interfacing with high-resolution A/D converters, maximizes their dynamic range. An accurate high-speed peak hold function holds the highest peak during playback indefinitely.


Reliability and Longevity

Except for a pair of 12BH7 output tubes, 12AX7/ECC83 tubes are employed for their sound quality, availability, and low current operation, contributing to the extended lifespan of tubes and related components. The power supply and audio chassis are designed with effective passive cooling mechanisms to prolong component life. Components operate well within their parameters to ensure longevity.


Simplicity in Maintenance and Repair

Using point-to-point high-voltage power supply and audio wiring ensures maximum reliability. Components are mounted on turret posts for easy field replacement if the need arises. Electrolytic capacitors are selectively used, with long-life variants chosen where necessary.


Understated Yet Elegant Aesthetic

This sophisticated design boasts a classic appearance but deviates from tradition by combining Wajima Nuri exterior panels with a 3D CAD-verified monocoque aluminum frame. Just like the electronic circuits, the exterior panels are crafted with materials and techniques meant to last a lifetime, allowing for easy removal and restoration to original condition in case of scratches or damage.

“Wajima-nuri” Urushi Lacquerware

Wajima-nuri, a nationally recognized lacquerware art form deemed the pinnacle of lacquer craftsmanship in Japan, is exclusive to registered artisans in Wajima city. Rooted in the ancient Japanese ethos of masterful workmanship emphasizing quality and longevity, the process involves intricate steps that take about 10 months to complete. It starts with the application of Nunogise cloth on the wooden base, followed by a Jinoko base coat of locally sourced clay and lacquer. The numerous layers of lacquer and sanding, along with hand-painted Maki-e logos, ultimately result in a glossy, uniquely colored finish.

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