
Home Depot has confirmed that a data breach has occurred, impacting employee information.

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Home Depot, a major American retail corporation specializing in home improvement products, has recently confirmed a data breach affecting some of its employees. The breach occurred in May of the previous year, affecting approximately 17,000 individuals. The breach came to light when IntelBroker, a well-known threat actor, posted details about the incident on an underground forum. IntelBroker revealed that a third-party Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vendor unintentionally exposed a small sample of Home Depot associates’ names, work email addresses, and User IDs during testing of their systems.

This breach is particularly concerning as the leaked information can potentially be exploited by threat actors for identity theft or phishing attacks. Home Depot, with its extensive network of over 2,300 stores in North America and a workforce of more than 475,000 employees, is taking measures to address the situation. The company has advised its employees to exercise caution with incoming emails, especially those claiming to be from Home Depot staff.

IntelBroker Strikes Again

IntelBroker, known for its activities in leaking data from various organizations including U.S. government agencies, General Electric, Facebook, and HPE, has once again made headlines with the Home Depot data breach. The breach, categorized as a supply chain attack, underscores the ongoing threat posed by cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in organizations’ systems.

As data breaches continue to be a prevalent issue in today’s digital landscape, it is crucial for companies to prioritize cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive information. With threat actors like IntelBroker consistently targeting high-profile entities, organizations must remain vigilant and proactive in their approach to cybersecurity.

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