
How secret pairing makes data privacy easier

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Enhancing Data Privacy with Confidential Pairing

By utilizing confidential computing, advertisers can ensure heightened security measures for safeguarding their customers’ data by default. This approach offers a level of transparency regarding a product’s code and provides validation, known as “attestation,” that data is processed as intended.

Technological advancements such as Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) have established a strong track record in various sectors like protecting sensitive information such as passwords and financial details. For instance, MonetaGo leverages Google Cloud’s Confidential Space for secure financial fraud detection. This technology also facilitates secure data exchange between businesses, crucial for maintaining privacy. Google’s Ads platform utilizes the same Confidential Space technology, which has undergone thorough security assessments by independent auditors, to enable confidential matching services.

Staying true to its privacy commitments, Google aims to democratize access to confidential computing and related solutions. The company plans to offer confidential matching capabilities at no extra charge to its customers. Additionally, Google is sharing its TEE architecture and providing open-source examples to empower others in developing confidential solutions. Collaborative efforts within the advertising industry are underway to promote wider acceptance and establish standards for these privacy-centric technologies.

“IAB Tech Lab has long been a proponent of privacy-enhancing technologies. Google’s adoption of confidential computing reflects the growing momentum in embracing privacy-empowered solutions. We are eager to collaborate with Google and industry peers to advance Tech Lab’s best practices, technical guidelines, open standards, and open-source initiatives. Collective engagement in these areas is key to the successful integration of privacy-centric technologies in the digital advertising landscape.”

— Anthony Katsur, CEO, IAB Tech Lab

Source: Google Blog

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