
Installing the Latest Fedora Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Ready to dive into the world of Fedora Server? This detailed tutorial will guide you through installing the latest version, ensuring a smooth and successful experience. Remember, this guide serves as a general framework, and specific steps might vary depending on your hardware and network configuration. Always consult official documentation for the latest updates and detailed instructions.



  • A computer with internet access
  • Bootable USB drive (minimum 2GB)
  • Download the latest Fedora Server ISO from
  • Basic understanding of Linux commands


Step 1: Create a Bootable USB Drive

    • Write the downloaded ISO image to a USB stick or DVD to create an installation media.
    • You can use tools like Rufus (for Windows), dd (for Linux), or Etcher (cross-platform) to create the bootable media.
  1. Insert your USB drive and ensure it’s empty or backed up.
  2. Launch the chosen tool and select the downloaded Fedora Server ISO.
  3. Choose your USB drive as the destination and follow the tool’s instructions to flash the ISO.
  4. Once complete, safely eject the USB drive.


Step 2: Boot from the USB Drive

  1. Restart your computer and enter the BIOS setup menu (usually by pressing F2, Del, or Esc during startup).
  2. In the BIOS menu, locate the boot options and set your USB drive as the primary boot device.
  3. Save the changes and exit the BIOS setup.
  4. Your computer should now boot from the Fedora Server USB drive.


Step 3: Start the Installation

  1. When the boot menu appears, choose “Install Fedora Server” and press Enter.
  2. Select your preferred language and keyboard layout.
  3. Choose “Network” and configure your internet connection if needed.
  4. Select “Automatic partitioning” for a simple setup or “Manual partitioning” for advanced users.
  5. Choose your desired disk(s) for installation and confirm the partitioning scheme.
  6. Set your root password (complex and unique).
  7. Choose the software packages you want to install. Consider starting with the “Server” environment and customize as needed.
  8. Review the installation summary and confirm it’s accurate.
  9. Click “Begin Installation” and the installation will commence.


Step 4: Post-Installation Configuration

  1. Once the installation finishes, the system will reboot automatically.
  2. Log in with your chosen root password.
  3. Update the system with sudo dnf update -y to ensure the latest packages.
  4. Configure your network settings with nmtui.
  5. Set the hostname with hostnamectl set-hostname <desired_hostname>.
  6. Enable firewall with sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http and add additional rules as needed.
  7. Configure additional services and applications based on your specific needs.
  8. Refer to the official Fedora Server documentation for further configuration steps and troubleshooting:



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