
Report: Apple investigating potential development of personal home robots

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Apple is reportedly exploring the development of personal home robots after discontinuing its electric vehicle project, according to a report by Bloomberg. The tech giant’s engineers are said to be researching a robot that can follow users around their homes, as well as a tabletop device that uses robotics to adjust a display screen. This initiative comes after Apple shut down its team dedicated to electric cars, known as the Special Projects Group, which was one of its ambitious ventures.

Apple’s foray into personal robotics is being overseen by its hardware engineering division and its artificial intelligence and machine learning group. The project is still in the early stages of research and development, indicating that it may be a while before any tangible products are released to the market. This move aligns with Apple’s strategy of diversifying its product offerings beyond traditional devices like iPhones and MacBooks.

In addition to Apple, other tech companies have also delved into the realm of home robots. Amazon, for instance, introduced its Astro home robot in 2021, a smart display on wheels that responds to Alexa commands. Despite its innovative features, the Astro robot has been available in limited quantities on an invite-only basis since its launch. Recently, Amazon extended its robot line to include a version for business applications, offering enhanced security features.

Apple’s previous ventures into new product markets, such as the Apple Watch and the Vision Pro virtual reality headset, reflect its ongoing efforts to innovate and expand its product lineup. Despite the challenges involved in transitioning to new domains, Apple’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology remains unwavering. The company’s latest focus on personal home robots signals its ambition to cater to the evolving needs of consumers in the smart home space.

While Apple has declined to comment on the specifics of its home robot project, the news underscores the company’s dedication to exploring cutting-edge technologies and pushing the boundaries of innovation. As the tech industry continues to evolve, companies like Apple are constantly seeking new opportunities to redefine the way we interact with technology in our daily lives.

For more details, you can read Bloomberg’s full report on Apple’s investigation into personal home robots here.

— Report by good’s Kif Leswing and Annie Palmer

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