
Visual creator Felipe Pantone transforms the streets of the world into his augmented reality masterpiece.

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Experience the immersive showcase ‘Loading: Urban Art in the Digital Age’ at Grand Palais Immersif, a presentation that delves into the evolution of urban art and the influence of digital advancements on the craft of street artists. Collaborating with Google Arts & Culture, we transcend traditional gallery confines through digital narratives and an innovative augmented reality creation by multimedia virtuoso Felipe Pantone.

Honing his skills in graffiti during adolescence, Pantone’s artistic journey has been profoundly shaped by this early foray into urban art, evident in his bold color palettes and intricate geometric motifs that give rise to visually captivating and kinetic works. He delves into the interplay between physical objects and their surroundings, exploring how they interact with the environment and respond to viewer engagement.

Teaming up with Google Arts & Culture and Acute Art, Felipe Pantone harnesses cutting-edge augmented reality tools from Google to investigate how distinctive urban landscapes worldwide infuse novel dimensions into his vibrant, geometric designs. The culmination of this collaboration is Data Chromesthesia, Pantone’s inaugural venture into augmented reality.

Data Chromesthesia utilizes Google’s Geospatial Creator to transform streets globally into a pulsating canvas, superimposing designs onto edifices and beckoning spectators to immerse themselves in the artistry that surrounds them. Leveraging the ARCore Scene Semantics API, Pantone’s creations seamlessly integrate into the urban tapestry, discerning and colorizing structures, streets, and pathways while filtering out extraneous elements like vehicles, pedestrians, or foliage. The artwork dynamically responds in real-time to local air quality, drawing data from Google Maps Platform’s Air Quality API. Vibrant colors adorn the urban landscape in optimal air conditions; however, they transition to monochrome hues as air quality deteriorates. This engrossing interplay with the environment offers a fresh, sensory experience to observers.

Embark on a journey to unravel the creative process behind this groundbreaking artwork on Google Arts & Culture, and embark on a firsthand encounter by utilizing the Acute Art app. Take to the streets and project Felipe Pantone’s augmented reality marvel in your immediate surroundings.

Witness this transcendent artwork in various locations globally, and if you chance upon Grand Palais Immersif, bask in the opportunity to behold the exclusive local rendition, accessible solely at this locale. Venture inside Grand Palais Immersif to delve deeper into the creative universe of Felipe Pantone as part of the ‘Loading’ exhibition, running until July 15, 2024. The showcase also features works by local luminaries such as Bilel Allem and Seb Toussaint, alongside an archive of street murals worldwide, immortalized in Street View by Google Arts & Culture as part of their Street Art collection.

Source: [Artist Felipe Pantone Turns the World’s Streets Into His AR Canvas](

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