
Episode 8 of X-Men 97 features some beloved Marvel superhero guest appearances – check out 5 standout cameos

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Full spoilers follow for X-Men episodes five, seven and eight.

X-Men 97 episode eight, titled ‘Tolerance Is Extinction Part 1’, has just been released on Disney Plus, and it is turning heads with its numerous guest appearances by beloved Marvel superheroes. The latest installment continues to deliver on fan service, introducing unexpected characters and generating a wave of excitement among viewers.

If you haven’t watched the episode yet and wish to avoid spoilers, proceed with caution from this point onwards as we delve into the significant cameo appearances in X-Men 97.

On your lef- I mean, on your right, Rogue.
(Image credit: Marvel Animation/Disney Plus)

Episode seven of X-Men 97 treated fans to a memorable cameo by Captain America, which pleasantly surprised many viewers. The encounter between Cap and Rogue added a light-hearted touch to the intense narrative, especially as Rogue humorously threw away Captain America’s shield to pursue her goals. This interaction marked one of the standout moments in the series so far.

However, the excitement doesn’t stop there. Episode eight of X-Men 97 takes cameo appearances to another level by introducing five superpowered individuals who have sparked discussions among fans. Let’s explore these surprise cameos in ‘Tolerance Is Extinction Part 1’ and where they make their brief appearances.

1. Doctor Doom

A screenshot of Doctor Doom on one of Bastion's TV screens in X-Men 97 episode 8

Latveria’s most famous son makes a brief appearance in episode eight.
(Image credit: Marvel Animation/Disney Plus)

Doctor Doom, the iconic adversary of the Fantastic Four, makes a subtle yet notable appearance on a TV screen during a sequence involving Bastion’s backstory. His distinctive mask-hood combination easily identifies him, and his ominous presence adds depth to the storyline.

2. Baron Zemo

A screenshot of Baron Zemo on a screen in X-Men 97 episode 8

Guten Tag, Helmut!
(Image credit: Marvel Animation/Disney Plus)

Baron Zemo, a well-known character in the Marvel Universe, is recognized by fans for his appearances in the MCU. In X-Men 97 episode eight, he makes a cameo on one of the screens, donning his signature outfit. The inclusion of Baron Zemo adds depth to the Marvel universe and hints at a broader narrative.

3. Spider-Man

A screenshot of Spider-Man posing in X-Men 97 episode 8

I’ve got you pictures of Spider-Man, internet!
(Image credit: Marvel Animation/Disney Plus)

Spider-Man, a staple in the Marvel universe, makes a surprise appearance in X-Men 97 episode eight, adding an element of delight for fans. Although not the most significant cameo in the episode, Spider-Man’s presence was well-received by viewers and has sparked speculations about potential future appearances.

Beau DeMayo, the show’s creator, has hinted at more Spider-Man involvement, leading to theories regarding the character’s role in upcoming episodes or possible projects in the Marvel universe.

4. Silver Samurai

A screenshot of Silver Samurai shrouded in shadow in X-Men 97 episode 8

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